Joh(annes) Graumann




+49 6421 28 27402


Professor, Ph.D. 
Head of Institute & Core Facility

Johannes started his career in 2000 with a Diplom (M.S. equivalent) in Biology at the University of Konstanz (Germany), including an external thesis project on single molecule bacterial protein biochemistry in the laboratory of Jim Bardwell at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA).

He moved on to Caltech and in 2006 received a Ph.D. in Biochemistry under the supervision of Ray Deshaies. In the context of his work at Caltech, Johannes spent the better part of a year as a visiting collaborator in the lab of John Yates at The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, California, USA) and based on that experience built a facility for mass spectrometry–based proteomics in the Deshaies lab.

Aiming to further expand his proteomics skill set, Johannes in 2006 joined the lab of Matthias Mann at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemisty in Martinsried (Germany) as a postdoctoral fellow, where he worked on quantitative proteomic analysis of murine stem cells as well as real time data analysis and mass spectrometer control.

In 2011 Johannes became Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Director of the Proteomics Core at Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar in Doha (Qatar), a branch campus of Weill Cornell Medical College. Here he built a state of the art proteomics facility from scratch and worked on introducing quantitative shotgun proteomic analysis into the field of human stem cell biology as well as expanded his technology portfolio to include affinity proteomic approaches for clinical samples – his lab was the first to run the robotic large scale SOMAscan™–Platform by SomaLogic in a company–external facility.

Returning to Europe and Germany in 2016, Johannes took the position of Leader of the Scientific Service Group Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry at the Max Planck Institute of Heart– and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim (Germany), where he concentrated on workflows to pipeline downstream bioinformatic analysis and thus optimize data utility and experiment throughput by out–of–the–box provisioning data formats and hypotheses immediately accessible to non–specialist collaborators.

Bringing a long and winding trek over three continents and through many aspects of proteomic analysis to a conclusion, Johannes returned into an environment that once again provides close collaborative ties with clinician scientist and in 2021 took the position of a Professor of Translational Proteomics and Head of the Translational Proteomics Core Facility Translational Proteomics in the Department of Medicine at Philipps–University Marburg.